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“Every year it gets a lit­tle big­ger,” says Coldrain singer Masato Hayakawa. “There’s more bands, more younger bands and more kids play­ing in bands cov­er­ing those songs, so it’s get­ting wider and wider. It’s cool to see kids that are start­ing to make their orig­i­nal stuff, try­ing to sound like us. That’s how gen­res are built.”

A few other Japan­ese metal acts, such as Cross­faith and Pay Money to My Pain, have made an impact dur­ing the last decade, but Coldrain didn’t start out sur­rounded by a thriv­ing metal scene. The band mem­bers’ ini­tial expo­sure to this style of music came via the late-‘90s/ early-2000s nu-metal boom.

“I got into lis­ten­ing to heavy stuff when I lis­tened to Limp Bizkit, Korn, Linkin Park, Slip­knot,” says Masato. “When we started out we were all big nu-metal fans.”

These days, Coldrain’s com­bi­na­tion of heavy riffs, aggres­sive screams and cun­ning cho­rus melodies war­rants com­par­isons to met­al­core heavy­weights, like Ask­ing Alexan­dria and Bring Me The Hori­zon. How­ever, Masato says the melodic lean­ing stems from the Japan­ese pop music they lis­tened to grow­ing up.

“We always wanted the melodic aspect plus the heavy music. It’s cool because I think the Japan­ese influ­ence towards pop music and the Western-style heavy music is what builds our sound. “The Japan­ese ori­en­tal style is some­where buried there,” he adds. “It’s not some­thing that’s going to be stand­ing out, but it’s def­i­nitely some­thing that’s put in there at a small dose, [so] that peo­ple will feel a dif­fer­ence from West­ern bands.”

Although Coldrain’s third LP The Rev­e­la­tion was released in Aus­tralia just last week, it came out in Japan over a year ago (where it debuted at num­ber seven on the national charts). Recorded with Amer­i­can pro­ducer David Ben­deth — who’s known for his work with Paramore, Under­oath and Papa Roach — it’s no acci­dent that this record’s bring­ing Coldrain inter­na­tional recognition.

“When we recorded The Rev­e­la­tion,” Masato says, “[Ben­deth] was like ‘this record is def­i­nitely going to be released world­wide’. He said he was going to be ‘think­ing about the world, you guys can think about the Japan­ese mar­ket. That’s what’s going to make the new sound.’ We did def­i­nitely aim for the world and I can’t wait to see how every­one reacts to the record in Australia.”

Aim­ing for broad acces­si­bil­ity encour­aged the band to dec­o­rate the arrange­ments with synth lines and string parts for the first time. They weren’t seek­ing to make an alto­gether nicer album, however.

“David tried to make the record sound darker,” says Masato. “He said, after lis­ten­ing to the tracks and after lis­ten­ing to the lyrics, he always aimed for us to sound darker. So it turned out a lit­tle darker than what we orig­i­nally went for and I think it sounds cool.”

Coldrain’s early announce­ment on the Sound­wave lineup gives Aus­tralian lis­ten­ers plenty of time to get acquainted with The Rev­e­la­tion before next year’s fes­ti­val tour. To say that Masato is enthu­si­as­tic about their inau­gural trip down under would be a major understatement.

“We can’t wait to be there. So, so look­ing for­ward to it. I can’t wait until 2015 already.”