

Subscribe to Mixdown Magazine

Mix­down Mag­a­zine is Australia’s only nationally distributed free print publication for musicians and music makers.

Dis­trib­ut­ing thousands of copies free to 1750+ points Aus­tralia wide, Mix­down Magazine cov­ers all forms of music and audio products.

It’s the ulti­mate read for musi­cians, pro­duc­ers, industry workers and fans alike, with break­ing news, reviews and features on all the best bands, musi­cal equip­ment, albums and behind-the-scenes infor­ma­tion to hit our streets.

With edi­to­r­ial per­fect for work­ing musi­cians and stu­dents alike, our monthly How To columns, prod­uct news and spot­lights on equip­ment, stu­dios and acces­sories are in sync with our ever-­grow­ing read­er­ship that also includes tertiary institutions, high school music departments and beyond.

Mix­down, like the name sug­gests, is bring­ing every­thing musi­cal together to one place, the per­fect mix, so tune in, drop out and read on!

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