Virtual Reality Beat Making Is A Real Thing

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Virtual Reality Beat Making Is A Real Thing


Sander Sneek, creative coder and motion graphics designer, hopes to change the trends of digital synthesizer sampling with Soundscape, a virtual reality music production environment. Wearing Samsung Gear VR, users are placed in a futuristic world where a monolithic synthesizer lies underneath a large cathedral-like structure, while in the distance there appears to be a moon.



Soundscape was created for Oculusā€˜s Mobile Virtual Reality Jam, which was produced to find new content for their partnership with Samsung for Gear VR. Soundscape took the Silver medal in the Experiences category.


So how does it work? On two big displays, users can add musical notes, change effects and influence the characteristics of one of three instruments. This can be done solo or accompanied by two other randomly selected people. Users control their interaction with Soundscape via gaze tracking and clicking on the tracker on the side of the Gear VR.


Watch the trailer for Soundscape VR below.



You can view more of Sneek’s work here.