Bored of the stock standard rectangular embossed card, self described Inventor/Artist/Musician Tim Alex Jones decided to draw upon his knowledge base and come up with a way to not only convey his business details, but also give his acquaintances lasting functionality when handing them his information.
The StyloCard runs off USB power, allowing the Printed Circuit Board mounted keypad to become a synth by simply attaching an alligator clip to the top of the card and using the other end to complete the circuit and activate the keys. So simple, but so effective. In the creator’s own words, “When it comes to business cards, the entire point is to show off.” With that accurate statement in mind, not only will recipients of his cards be impressed, but likely also anyone else who is shown the clever design. Just goes to show what you can accomplish with a little outside-the-box thinking.
What better way to keep your business name in the minds of clients when they are sitting at their computers procrasti-synthing, instead of chucking the card in the seldom looked at pile with all the other boring normal ones.
If you would like to get some more in-depth details on the workings of this nifty little card, Tim goes into more specifics on his blog post here.