Secret Sounds study shows that young Australian music fans are important agents of societal change

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Secret Sounds study shows that young Australian music fans are important agents of societal change

Dubbed Love Song, the survey is one of the largest ever quantitative studies of music fans conducted in Australia, with almost 10,000 music fans (curated from Secret Sounds’ mailing list) over the age of 16 having their say on what matters to them. These participants were lured into completing the survey by the chance to win VIP passes to Splendour In The Grass, Falls Festival and other tours promoted by the agency, with Secret Sounds claiming that the sample distribution “mirrors the Australian population in terms of gender and location but skews towards people aged under 30.”



Check out the key findings from the study below – it definitely paints an interesting portrait of our generation’s consumption habits, attitudes towards lifestyle choices and the influence of social media, that’s for sure. 


Top-line Results

  • 51% have 500+ Instagram followers, much more influence than the average 18-34yo Australian with only 17% meeting the 500+ follower mark
  • 86% feel that music is integral to who they are, and this holds across all age groups
  • The average music lover engages with music for around 5 hours a day
  • 67% of music lovers actively seek out new music and love sharing it with people
  • They have significant financial resources, more than the average Australian, with almost a third having at least $10k in savings
  • A lot of their disposable income goes to saving for and spending on experiences, $442 average savings per month for experiences
  • The audience are financially mature, 79% own a car, have insurance and more
  • They care about the world, 34% seek their inspiration from activists, only 21% from celebrities
  • Music lovers are influential across a range of categories, particularly music, travel and food
  • Instagram: The average music lover has a reach of around 1,200 people
  • They spread ideas with friends, on average socialising 6.1 times every month 
  • They’re a force for positive change: 92% feel that young people need to engage with global issues for things to improve


Although this data is certainly interesting, whether this cohort surveyed will actually utilise their influence to encourage social change is unknown. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 






Read more about the Love Song project here