Fuchs Blackjack 21 MKII Combo Amplifier

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Fuchs Blackjack 21 MKII Combo Amplifier



This two-channel, single 12” combo is not hiding behind any special tricks or fancy gimmicks. It is all about delivering tone and plenty of it. The first channel has no master volume and only features a gain control, delivering a beautifully warm and rich clean tone that relishes the built in boost controlled by the footswitch. Even with the boost engaged, the amp still cleans up nicely when you roll off the volume on your guitar, giving you ultimate dynamic control over every note as you see fit, right from the instrument at your fingertips. Blues guys are going to love how this channel responds and will surely want to drop a tube screamer in front of it, and that’s ne as it takes pedals like they were part of the original design.



The overdrive channel offers a gain control and master volume with an extra tone adjustment after the preamp for real presence in the mix. This channel will feed the inner rock god in all of you, as it leaves the clean far behind and screams. You can get a real crunchy sound running the gain low, pushing the master and pulling back on the tone control, or a brilliant overdrive when you ramp up the gain. Bring the tone control right up, and you’ll achieve an even more cutting sound. It takes on a whole new character when you push it, coming across like a bigger amp than it really is. These two channels are aided 
by a digital reverb that doesn’t just offer a volume control, but allows you to adjust the decay length too for that perfect addition to the amps tone; tone which is brought to life by the Warehouse ET65 speaker that is very well matched for this open-back combo. This killer classic rock speaker has the headroom and SPL to deliver what this amp gives it with a rich low end and punchy high frequency response. Put simply, you need to hear this amp before you consider buying anything else. 


For more information on the range of Fuchs amplifiers, visit egm.net.au.