The beloved musical brooders are set to play shows across Australia’s East Coast in March and April next year, including two dates in Sydney and three shows at Melbourne’s Palais Theatre. While the band are treating the West Coast to a cheeky sonic sojourn by opening the tour in Fremantle, it looks like The National have no love for South Australian crowds this time around, adding their names to the long list of international artists who skip out on touring Adelaide.
The National are set to supported on all dates by LA-based singer songwriter Phoebe Bridgers, renowned for her work as a solo artist as well her collaborations with Julien Baker and Lucy Dacus on last year’s boygenius and Better Oblivion Community Center with Bright Eyes singer Conor Oberst. There’s no doubt this will be an emotive run of shows, and if the last time The National toured Australia is an indicator of any kind, they’ll be bound to sell out in no time. Better have your finger on the trigger for when tickets go on sale at 9am on Friday June 28.
The National – 2020 Australian Tour
w/ special guest Phoebe Bridgers
Saturday March 21 — Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA
Tuesday March 24 — ICC Sydney Theatre, Sydney NSW
Wednesday March 25 — ICC Sydney Theatre, Sydney NSW
Friday March 27 — Fortitude Music Hall, Brisbane QLD
Monday March 30 — Palais Theatre, Melbourne VIC
Tuesday March 31 — Palais Theatre, Melbourne VIC
Wednesday April 1 — Palais Theatre, Melbourne VIC
Head to Handsome Tours for tickets and further details.