TC Electronic Tease Five New Pedals

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TC Electronic Tease Five New Pedals


With each photo revealing very little about what the pedals could be, we can only speculate… So speculate we will. 

Lets try and decipher what we can from these messages; the pedal enclosures are looking like they could be aluminium meaning that manufacturing costs are being kept down, which also means cost prices will drop down too. 


The jacks are on top of the pedal, making them more convenient in terms of saving space. However, we can’t see a USB jack meaning that these pedals probably won’t be TonePrint compatible – unless there’s Bluetooth on-board. 

There’s a few different colours to look at, we can see red, black, white and yellow in these photos. There’s not much to deduct from this but they look pretty. There’s a few knobs going around, the Red pedal has two of them, the yellow has three (one of which we know will be a mix control), the black pedal has four, but then we saw another black pedal with only three?! We are very confused. 

We can expect to know all very, very soon though. TC Electronics are expected to make the announcement within the next 24 hours. Be patient, the wait will soon be over!


For more details on the range of TC Electronic pedals, head to