Maxon OD808 overdrive celebrates 40th anniversary

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Maxon OD808 overdrive celebrates 40th anniversary

The original Maxon OD808-40 was designed and produced back in 1979 by designer Susumu Tamura to compete with the Boss OD-1. The pedal became a favourite amongst guitarists, before Ibanez co-opted the design, rebranding it as the now ubiqitous TS808 Tube Screamer.


The first 40 units of the anniversary edition produced will be signed by Tamura, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see these on Reverb for a far higher price in the future. Tamura has ensured this is no lazy rerelease by designing new modified circuitry to “provide a more open, articulate sound with improved dynamic response.” The specifications have not yet been made available. 


Interestingly, the pedal will be going head to head with the ruby red sparkling Ibanez 40th Anniversary Tube Screamer pedal launched during this year’s NAMM conference. 


Maxon is distributed in Australia by EGM Distribution.