Utilising a fancy proprietary XCVI FPGA processing platform, the Avantis features dual 15.6 inch 1080p touchscreens as well as all the standard physical controls for an extremely hands-on, intuitive interface. Faders react on touch to highlight your active channels, while the diplay also adapts dynamically to show the parameters of any EQ or compressors you’re running. There’s even FastGrab tabs on the right hand side of the mixer for easy access to presets like aux sends, effects controls and more.
With 64 audio channels, 42 configurable buses, 16 DCA groups and eight mute groups, Allen & Heath are really aiming for the big leagues with the Avantis. Users can save and recall up to 500 scenes which can also be assigned to a master list with 20 seconds of crossfade, while Allen & Heath’s Automatic Mic Mixing allows for 64 microphone sources to be distributed to four zones with either classic gain sharing or a NOM algorithim. The Avantis can also host a wide range of expandable modules such as the AV-GX4816 and AV-DX012, which respectfully offer an additional 48 dLive mic preamps and 16 XLR line outputs, in addition to 2 DX ports for connection to DX Exapdners and a DX2 socket for connecting to a ME Personal Mixing System.
If that’s not enough for you, the Avantis boasts a rugged, all-metal construction, with a chassis inspired by the sleek tubular designs of sports cars. It weighs around 25 kilograms – pretty light for a mixer of this calibre. This thing looks like the real deal, and we’re sure there’s a lot of venue managers rubbing their hands gleefuly at the prospect of owning one of these.
Allen & Heath is distributed in Australia via Technical Audio Group.