Directed by Neal Walters, Negative Energy traces the adversities faced by the band following Adrian Fitapaldes’ departure in 2014, with all members giving their perspective on the challenges that followed, including personal turmoil and difficulties with management.
In a statement accompanying Negative Energy, the band described the film as “the story of a band on the brink of collapse, filmed over the entire Alien cycle from recording to the end of the world tour and beyond. What you know about the obstacles this band and lead singer Marcus Bridge have faced only scratches the surface. This documentary covers the insurmountable struggles that Northlane have faced over the last few years, and how they fought their way through.”
Anyone who’s listened to Alien will know that the band have certainly endured their fair share of shit, yet this documentary takes things to uncharted new territories. It’s essential viewing for any self-respecting metalcore fan, or for that matter, any Australian musician – the fact that Northlane went through all of that to become the world-conquering juggernauts they are now is incredible.
Revisit our cover story with Northlane from last year.