As detailed in their recent mid-year report, the Discogs Marketplace experienced 29.7% increase in physical orders between January and June this year, netting a total of 4,228,270 extra units over the measured period.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Discog’s data reveals a notable bump in vinyl sales for 2020, with the website reporting an increase of 32.7% from last year’s figures to total at 5,814,855.
The report also shows that CDs and cassette sales experienced an upwards trajectory over the same period. Discogs report that unlikely cassette resurgence has eventuated in a 30.50% increase in orders (totaling at 137,806), whereas CD sales jumped up 31% on last year’s numbers to rest at 1,661,580.
It’s worth noting that a prominent bump in sales can spotted in April and May when the full brunt of the lockdowns took place, with more sellers and stores embracing the website due to shopfront closures around the world. Discogs have also confirmed that May 2020 was one of their greatest months on record, noting sales figures of over 1.6 million over that period.
Furthermore, there’s been more people turning to the website to catalogue their collections and interact with online communities, with Discogs touting an average yearly increase of 30% in submissions each month since March.
You can read all the findings from the Discogs mid-year report here.