Conspiracy theorists mistake schematics of Boss MT-2 for ‘5G chip’ in COVID-19 vaccine

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Conspiracy theorists mistake schematics of Boss MT-2 for ‘5G chip’ in COVID-19 vaccine

Words by Will Brewster

The tin-foil hat brigade are back at it again.

A crew of Italian conspiracy theorists have taken to social media to reveal an image that shows a hidden 5G Chip tucked into the COVID-19 vaccine that’s being rolled out around the world.

However, to our utter delight, it turns out that the 5G Chip isn’t actually a mind-controlling government plot at all – rather, it’s actually just the schematic of the humble Boss MT-2 Metal Zone pedal.

As evident in the image below, the confidential plans for the 5G Chip can be seen in the clearly detailed form of an electrical circuit, alongside terms like Mid, Treble, Bass, Gain and Footswitch.

Whether it’s some pure crackpot mayhem or simply a case of high tier shit-posting at its finest, you’d be hard pressed to find a funnier attempt at fake news than this one. Out of all the pedals out there, it just had to be the MT-2, didn’t it? Personally, we would’ve selected the TC Electronic Corona Chorus

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