Avid EUCON 2021.6 update adds customisation to better suit user needs

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Avid EUCON 2021.6 update adds customisation to better suit user needs

Words by Sam McNiece

The update adds functions for all their supported control surfaces

Long time DAW champions Avid have announced an update to their EUCON protocol, allowing for greater customisability and other capabilities through their range of control software. The update services Avid Dock, S1, S3, S4 and S6 hardware.

What you need to know:

  • Avid have announced a major update to the EUCON ethernet protocol which powers their DAW control surfaces.
  • EUCON 2021.6 adds customisability including changing knob layouts and metering information within the Avid Control app.
  • The update is great news for all current users of the software and adds another reason for new users to adopt the industry standard software.

Read all the latest product news here.

Whether you use Pro Tools or another DAW, our EUCON control surfaces have long led the industry when it comes to functionality and integration. They’ve literally put the power of your software at your fingertips,” said François Quereuil, VP Audio Product Management at Avid. “We constantly focus on expanding their feature set to overcome audio production challenges and speed up mixing workflows.”

The much requested update, now allows users of their Avid Control app all the way to their flagship large scale S6 console to customise a bunch of features. For example, you can now use custom knob layouts for plugins to make sure your most used controls are in easy grasp.

The update to EUCON ethernet protocol also allows users to create their own meter strip layouts to optimise visual information shown while mixing, including the exact parameters they want to see and in whatever order.

Theres a few other additions including Pro Tools Auto Match indicators in Avid Control, which is a feature that already exists within the S4 and S6 and allows for smoother automation writing, Solo/Mute clear buttons, GPO Fader Start for S4 and S6.

For more information on this update head to the Avid website.