What piece of equipment do you have to show us today?
My synthesiser/ vocoder and best friend, the mini MicroKorg! I haven’t had it for very long, but it’s only taken a little under a couple of years of experimenting to call it one of my favourite pieces of equipment I own.
How did you come across this particular item?
I have always had a fascination with vocoders and synthesisers and on my trip to Berlin I had the most amazing experience playing around with this really cool vintage Moog, in my friend’s little studio. When I came home, I knew I had to take my first step towards my “obsession with synth buying”. I did a little research and asked around and it seemed like the perfect introduction.
What is it that you like about it so much?
At the time I was listening to a lot of St Vincent, The Virgin Suicides Soundtrack by Air, and I was just amazed by everything it could do. The bass sounds are incredible, and it’s just so versatile and easy to use. What I was most excited about was of course using the vocoder… My early introduction to Imogen Heap shaped a lot of things that I love about music, and I love that with my korg I get to explore that.
How do you use it and how has it shaped the way you write music?
I used my MicroKorg to create and inspire the overall soundscape of my latest single, ‘Holding On’. I blended the vocoder with the lead vocals to give it a little more warmth, which I borrowed from music I was inspired by at the time – and still am – such as The Weeknd and Daft Punk. It’s definitely helped broaden any creative boundaries I’ve had in the past, and has been a primary tool I’ve used to help navigate and understand myself as writer who produces music sometimes as well.
Tell us a little about what you have coming up?
This next project I’m working on is really special, and ‘Holding On’ is only the introduction… I’ve learned a lot about myself as an artist and as a producer in a short amount of time, and I’ve tried my best to tell that story as honest and as boldly as possible. I can’t for you to hear it!
Keep up to date with Sir Jude here.