What piece of equipment do you have to show us today?
Today I want to talk about my Line 6 M9 multi effects.
How did you come across this particular item?
After a flight home from Europe the airline lost my pedal case and our manager at the time hadn’t purchased insurance so I suddenly lost $2,000 worth of pedals. I wasn’t completely thrilled about forking out another $2k to get back to square one. So I managed to get a deal with Line 6 and I picked this up for $300. That, I can live with.
What is it that you like about it so much?
A cheap pedal, has everything I need in one place, and for as much noise as my band makes on stage, the quality is more than acceptable. I’ve used it for five years now and it hasn’t let me down. I also saw it on both of the Underoath guitarists’ pedalboards when we toured together with not a whole lot else going on, so I felt reassured that it’s not just me who’s a fan of this thing.
How do you use it and how has it shaped the way you write music?
It hasn’t really changed the way I write or anything like that. It’s just solid, it has every effect you could ever need. It’s a whole pedalboard in one. It has looping, a tuner and loads of other features I won’t ever need. And if your airline loses it, it’s not too crushing to replace.
Tell us a little about what you have coming up?
We are releasing a new record, It Comes and Goes. It has some hints of screamo nostalgia. I listened to a lot of Saosin’s self-titled record. That thing rips, and this is like… almost as good, except not.
It Comes And Goes is out Friday May 25. For pre-orders and tour dates, head to dreamondreamerband.com