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Portable Punch

I am lov­ing how pow­ered speak­ers are con­tin­u­ing to get lighter and bet­ter built. It really makes up for a lot when con­sid­er­ing a new set of speak­ers, as you will no doubt be car­ry­ing them around a lot. The Auro D12X boxes have a recessed han­dle on both sides, so you can eas­ily carry them around. Not that you should ever need two han­dles for the weight, they are sim­ply a handy touch for steady­ing the speaker when you are prop­ping it up on a speaker stand. The weight of the boxes them­selves are pretty much noth­ing and I could see a sim­ple load in with two of these speak­ers being car­ried at once with­out a prob­lem. This is what we get with mod­ern power amps and the plas­tic boxes that they are get­ting built into. Now, although light, they still felt really sturdy. There­fore, I wasn’t con­cerned about rest­ing them on the floor as a fold-back style speaker either.

All Set Up

There are a pair of inputs on the rear of these speak­ers both sup­plied with XLR/TRS com­bi­na­tion con­nec­tors, which I always find is a nice touch. You don’t need to worry about what leads you will need as you can work with either. An XLR out­put is sup­plied for link­ing addi­tional speak­ers too. There is a DSP sec­tion built into these speak­ers, as the “D” in the prod­uct code sug­gests, but it isn’t some­thing fancy and flash like some of you may expect. The DSPpro­cess­ing goes on behind the scene; you don’t get crazy effects to play with. Instead, it works away con­stantly ensur­ing your audio is bal­anced and being repro­duced as best the speak­ers can per­form. How this affects the over­all audio qual­ity I can­not be sure, as I can’t really test them with­out the DSP run­ning, but they sound pretty good in any event. Per­fect for mobile DJs, as pre­sen­ta­tion speak­ers for busi­ness and sport, or even for small bands and acoustic duos need­ing portable performance.