An intriguing, sacrilegious visual journey, the clip for ‘Wildfire’ is a combination of guitarist Luke Player’s homemade animation and filmmaking skills of both drummer James Kates and organist Tex Crick.
Following their 2015 EP I Wanna Be A Girl, the Pinnies have had a busy 2016, touring the coast with Hockey Dad and Skeggs and playing at Yours &Owls Festival. Known for their chaotic, raucous, and unpredictable live shows, The Pinheads are sure to impress and horrify the crowds with some maniac, high-energy performances in January.
When it comes to their future plans, the band has a clear idea. “Do more albums, flying cars, contact with aliens, open a bowling alley, play for some aliens, meet an alien, replace some band members with aliens, replace whole band with aliens, aliens take over the world via the The Pinheads.”
January 12 – Rad Bar, Wollongong NSW
January 13 – The Cambridge Hotel Warehouse, Newcastle NSW
January 14 – The Chippendale Hotel, Sydney NSW
January 15 – Rad Bar, Wollongong NSW (all ages)
January 20 – Howler, Melbourne VIC
January 27 – The Eastern, Ballarat VIC
January 28 – Crown & Anchor Hotel, Adelaide SA
‘Wildfire’ out now on Farmer & The Owl via Inertia. For more information head to The Pinheads website.