The Garden is comprised of twin brothers Wyatt and Fletcher Shears, a duo that strive for creative freedom in a world bound by conventions. While still holding the rudimentary punk ideals close to their heart, they purposefully aim to evade definition and maintain fluidity in their identity.
The duo has four releases up their sleeve already and sits in good company on the Burger Records roster. With a heavy minimalistic approach, The Garden form a sound that’s sure to resonate with Australian audiences that seem to have a contemporary infatuation with the artistic approach to punk.
September 24 – The Curtin, Melbourne VIC
September 25 – Elsewhere, The Gold Coast QLD
September 26 – The Great Northern, Byron Bay NSW
September 27 – Sound Of The Suburbs, Sydney NSW
September 27 – Secret Location, Newtown NSW
October 3 – The Brisbane Hotel, Hobart TAS
For more information visit