The Eventide Omnipresser is back!

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The Eventide Omnipresser is back!

Eventide Omnipressor
Words by Mixdown staff

The Omnipresser had been through a few revisions, multiple faceplates and some more complex (and unstable) designs that made way for the Omnipressor of 1973, sold a few hundred units before being discontinued.

Eventide is largely well-known for their H3000 units. Another bit of kit from Eventide’s back catalogue is the Omnipresser: an infinite compressor. The Omnipressor was designed by some of the greatest minds, though didn’t last long in market in the 70s.

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Eventide Omnipressor

The Eventide Omnipresser was released in 1973 and was designed to encourage the use of dynamics as a special effect, rather than purely a functional tool for taming wild audio. 2023’s AES Show in New York sees the  Eventide Omnipresser back in production.

Omnipressor controls

While the Omniresser features standard Attack, Releases and Threshold controls, it deviates in its Function control, Attenuation Limit and Gain Limit. The Function control serves as compander-style control, often with wildly dynamic results. Dialling the knob further clockwise wields less dynamics and more compressed, less expanded result. The Atten Limit knob controls the maximum attenuation available, overriding some elements of the Function control. The Gain Limit has a similar function, limiting the maximum gain of the unit again overriding Function settings.

Multiple plugin-emulations are available, though the 2023 re-release has been painstakingly built from the ground up using original hand-drawn schematics from the Eventide archives.

The new Omnipressor is available now for pre-order, with units shipping January 2024.