Trivium’s Matt Heafy unveils divisive ‘double’ guitar strap

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Trivium’s Matt Heafy unveils divisive ‘double’ guitar strap

The double strap, which sees the secondary strap wrap around the body of the guitar – under the strings, nonetheless – helps to spread the weight of your instrument of choice to make for a more comfortable onstage experience. 


Regarding the design, Heafy stakes the claim that “Guitar straps are not ergonomic. The concept of a weight on one side of a trapezius/shoulder joint for an entire musical lifetime is detrimental to the balance of your body.”




While we fully support the notion of looking out for your physical health while performing, there’s a couple of things worth noting about this. For starters, this thing looks like a baby car seat harness – that’s not very metal at all. Secondly, Heafy and Richter are selling the double strap for a ludicrous $250 AUD, with a more deluxe version going for $300. Finally, wouldn’t it just be easier to not play a solid mahogany Gibson Les Paul Custom if you cared about your back so much? 


Anyway, hate aside, it’s not an awful idea, and we seriously do resepct that Heafy is trying to promote self care to all reckless Les Paul slinging shredders out there. We just reckon it’s executed awfully. Have another punt Heafy!



 Check out the straps here – if you dare.