With four germanium diodes, through-hole components and Wima capacitors, the all-analogue Seraphina is handmade by Red Witch, and is fitted with the best parts in the business to ensure it lives a long life on your pedalboard. It offers simple three knob layout for Fuzz, Tone and Volume, which are all located on the front side of the pedal where you’d usually find your power or input jacks.
The Red Witch Seraphina also boasts two different footswitches for the fuzz and octave effect, letting you engage them independently or in unison for a searing hot, cutthroat tone. The pedal also features two internal trim pots that lets you tweak the octave up mode to go from a “singing sound” to a “blend of octave and fundamental fuzz”, while the other trim pot controls the thickness of the fuzz.
You can hear how the pedal sounds in action below. If you’re keen to get your mits on one of these, you better move quick – there’s only 100 pedals on offer, and you can place your orders here.
Find out more at Red Witch Pedals today.