Laney Launch GHR Series Amplifiers

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Laney Launch GHR Series Amplifiers


GHR is the product of Laney’s ongoing study of how guitar players interact with tube amps. Tube tone is composed of what Laney has come to identify as 
‘red’ and ‘black’ tone elements: red is tube preamp distortion, while black is output tube distortion which increases as the power tubes are driven harder. GHR allows the player to balance red and black elements to seek the sweet spot. While not an entirely new concept, Laney has distilled nearly fifty years of amplifier design into the GHR series. The results are stunning with a vast palette of tones and textures available. Capable 
of sparkling, wide cleans through to thick rhythm chunk and creamy, fuzzed-out lead tones, the GHR Series is tonally reminiscent of the amps of the past while being feature-packed for the modern age. 


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