Is the Standing Grand the future of the piano?

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Is the Standing Grand the future of the piano?

The design of the instrument harkens back to Nicolls’ ‘Inside-Out Piano’ from a few years ago, which she often continues to perform on. The concept of the ‘Future Piano’ supposedly stems from Nicolls’ desire to achieve the sounds of a grand piano by utilising the space taken up by an upright, however, the ‘Future Piano’ looks like it’ll be more than just a lightweight alternative. 



Weighing a meager 82kgs (for reference, a typical grand piano weighs around 450kgs), the ‘Future Piano’ aims to employ lightweight, modern materials to achieve Nicolls’ ambitious vision. The instrument features straight strung piano strings for an enormous sound, while the dampers and hammers go behind the strings to allow for players to manipulate the strings from the front – a defining characteristic of the ‘Inside-Out Piano’. 


Find out more about the project in the video below. If you’re keen to see this concept become a reality, you can contribute to the ‘Future Piano’ Kickstarter here – they’ve set a target of around $72,000, so rattle that penny jar and help fund this crazy idea!



Find out more about Nicolls’ works and ambitions at the Future Piano website.