In A Snapshot: Meris 500 Series Modules

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In A Snapshot: Meris 500 Series Modules


The great thing about the 500 series is that it brings back the sound of the classic multimillion-dollar studios and gear but at a price that’s reasonable and in a small form factor that can easily be integrated into today’s recording rigs.

The 440 Mic Preamp is one of the most unique modules in the range due to its pedal friendly post effects loop, which allows the use of guitar pedals to effect anything you put a mic in front.

Ottobit is a new and unique sound processor in the 500 series modular format. It is designed to give musicians and sound designers tools to sculpt any source into audio reminiscent of early 8 and 16 bit video game soundtracks.

The Meris Mercury7 reverb module will inspire your productions with two handcrafted algorithms, Ultraplate and Cathedra, which provide amazingly wide ranging soundscapes from dark and foreboding to ethereal and angelic. 


For more details on the range of Meris products, head to