Schertler’s Arthur allows you to choose from an assortment of high quality, class A inputs and output modules, where you configure in an order or quantity you’d prefer. Everything is relative, the larger the mixers, the bigger the power supply will be.
Arthur allows you to allocate components in any order or size, and then stick them in an order that fits your liking. This is done by the Schertler website, which shows you a preview or virtual build as you go. After selecting each component, sticking them together is easily done by connecting rods and hexagonal screws, which also means that you can re-order modules or add new ones whenever you like.
The new system set up by The Shertler possess a fascinating triumph for engineers or musicians everywhere whom are looking to better control their sound.
You can build your own through on the Schertler Website here. Shertler is distbuted nation-wide by Lamberti Bros.