An ergonomic, three-sided guitar pick has just launched on Kickstarter

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An ergonomic, three-sided guitar pick has just launched on Kickstarter

The LEAP series of picks offer an ergonomic central grip area with three difference pick sides. Featuring a design optimised for comfort and enhanced feel during play, the LEAP makes small changes to create big differences – for instance, Bog Street has incorporated a hole in the centre of the pick to improve grip by allowing your thumb and index finger to make contact during playing.


Each of the two models available in the series feature the same comfortable design, with the Lead pick catering to electric guitar and the Rhythm pick best-suited to acoustic players. Users can choose from a bright white pick or an exclusive Kickstarter green finish.



Bog Street is aiming to start manufacturing as soon as the Kickstarter numbers allow them to meet delivery deadlines. At the rate they’re going, we’re tipping that moment isn’t too far away.


Follow Bog Street’s Kickstarter campaign here.