This debut series by Live Nation Productions, entitled From Cradle to Stage, is set to take a peek behind the succesful lives of musicians such as Tom Morello, Adam Levine and Pharrel to hear firsthand interviews from the strong women who raised their chilren all the way from birth to stardom. Inspired by Virginia’s book, which delves into her own life and shares and compares it with those of other mothers with similar stories, the reality of life for these women and the sacrifices they made to help their children realise their potential will be given an intimate and honest look on screen this time around.
Dave Grohl is very excited to be working with his mum on the next step of her project and is keen to “explore the stories of other musicians who were as fortunate as me, having been raised by such amazing women. Plus…I owe her one.” Viewers will join the mothers of each of the aformentioned stars when they meet for the first time around a table to swap secrets and stories, and to celebrate their musical journeys.
To read more about the book that inspired the show, check out the official website here.