Created by LA based Garett van der Spek, Prism Tats uses guitars, vocals and subtle electronic elements to create “waking dream sub-realities that devastate and elate”. Van der Spek’s musical influence is a blend of his father’s rock records from the U.S and U.K and the sounds of his hometown of Durban, South Africa.
Prism Tats self-titled debut album was written and recorded entirely by Van der Spek. From vocals and guitar to a drum machine and bass synth, the record is the work of a one-man band with a truly unique sense of melodic structure and sophistication.
“The album is about the experiences I’ve had since I moved to America, that total departure from what was,” Van der Spek says. “I’d taken on this completely new life, in a country which in some ways was familiar, but in others was completely foreign. So these songs are all about that experience of evolving.”
Prism Tats will be available April 15. For more information, click here.