Superbooth 2022: Pairing a kick drum and sidechain compression with Knobula Kickain

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Superbooth 2022: Pairing a kick drum and sidechain compression with Knobula Kickain

Words by Mixdown Staff

Knobula follows last year’s Poly Cinematic announce at Superbooth with this year’s “909-inspired beat making engine”

Debuting out of Superbooth is Knobula’s Kickain, a Eurorack module with kick drum and sidechain compression capabilities.

What you need to know:

  • Kickain is a Eurorack module with kick drum and sidechain compression capabilities.
  • Kickain’s one-knob-per-function design provides greater control over the sound character of the kick.
  • The module also includes two additional spectral compression options.

Read all the latest product news here.

Once again challenging conventional expectations on how much can be squeezed into 12 HP space of Eurorack, Kickain delivers a rich virtual analog bass drum circuit, a 24-bit digital reverb, and a stereo spectral compressor – completing a full kick drum voice and side chain workflow into one unit. ​

Kickain’s one-knob-per-function design provides greater control over the sound character of the kick, as the layout contains two overlapping sections: one for shaping the kick drum sound and the other for applying side chain compression so it can cut through the mix. 

The kick drum sound can be tailored using the click, drive, bend, tune and punch controls, and users are able to adjust the shared attack and decay controls of the envelope.

The module also includes two additional spectral compression options which dynamically EQs the stereo mix to the exact frequency of the kick. 

The resulting sound has all of the power and clarity of a side chain kick drum set up without the heavy breathing associated with extreme compression. 

“Add to that an envelope reverb and shell resonator algorithm, and the versatility of Kickain becomes readily apparent,” Knobula said.

“A core philosophy behind all of our products is that performance should be the leading factor in the design,” added Knobula founder Jason Mayo. 

“Having a great sounding kick drum has always been an elusive goal for many producers and we wanted to change that. With Kickain, the great sound of the kick drum is as much about how we combine it back into the mix using the dynamic EQ and side chain as it is about the sound of the kick itself. 

“The spectral settings just focus the bass and the kick perfectly whilst leaving the top lines untouched.”

Kickain is available now, head to Knobula for more. For loca enquiries, reach out to Found Sound.