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APRA AMCOS collect royalties for Australian and New Zealand artists and ensures that their treatment is fair and just. The music royalty collection figure was $300 million this year, and there was a 26% increase in royalties received from foreign sources.


The website showed that the US and the UK continue to be the biggest export markets, with Americans preferring to consume our music on radio and the Brits on television. The two nations generated forty percent of all overseas royalty income for the 2014/2015 financial year. Sia, Lorde and Vance Joy have all had great success in these markets. Somewhat surprisingly, Denmark brought in more than $2 million into export income, despite only having a population of six million.


“After almost 90 years, the core business of APRA AMCOS remains unchanged: to grant licences for the use of music, collect the related royalties and distribute those royalties as quickly and efficiently as possible.” Chief Executive Officer, Brett Cottle, AM said.


“Infringement – and its inherent denial of rightful income to our members – remains an issue in 2015 which we are managing… Transformation of the digital market from downloads to subscription-streaming services was telling.


“Perhaps the biggest news on the digital front was the launch of Apple Music and we were pleased that our licensing arrangements were completed with Apple shortly before the close of the financial year.”


To read the Year in Review, visit: