Did you know Ableton have an app?

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Did you know Ableton have an app?

Ableton Note
Words by Mixdown staff

Ableton launched Note almost a year ago, an app available for iOS that helps you to sketch ideas, either as they happen or in the studio.

Ableton know that musical ideas can be fleeting, and a voice memo doesn’t always do them justice, nor does writing down ideas on paper; just ask Jerry Seinfeld! “The Flaming Globes of Sigmund!

To help combat this, Ableton launched Note almost a year ago, an app available for iOS that helps you to sketch ideas, either as they happen or in the studio, allowing for a more portable creating experience. Easily send your ideas to Ableton Live with the Ableton Cloud software.

Read all the latest product & music industry news here.

Use a 16-pad grid to build drum beats, and quantize it all if you need to. Sift through synth and piano sounds with a 25-pad grid or piano roll, while also having the ability to sample your surroundings with your phone’s microphone before cutting, filtering and re-pitching the sound. Captured something you like? Quickly loop it and keep building! From here you can duplicate separate loops, double them, add layers to different sections of the arrangement, allowing you to build a complete song if you see fit, or use Note as a way to sketch ideas on the go using either your own sounds or Note’s library. Onboard effects allow you to shape them to your preferences.

Note is available now for iOS, without the need for a full version of Live, though you’ll need Live if you want to take your sounds to a computer. It’s very reasonably priced for the opportunity, sonics and creativity that it inspires.

For more info, visit Ableton here.