A kids synth that you can enjoy as well.
Playtime Engineering’s Blipblox is a synth aimed at teaching kids synthesis. It’s fun toy-like design is enticing for kids to interact with, but under the hood is a fully functioning synthesiser with MIDI in and a 1/4 inch out.
What you need to know:
- Blipblox and Blipblox After Dark synthesisers are now available within Australia.
- The devices aimed at children are fully functioning synthesisers with toy-esc buttons, knobs and handles.
- Despite the toy looking device, MIDI in is provided allowing for a playful addition to your studio setup as well.
Read all the latest product news here.
Have you wanted to get your child into making electronic music but don’t want to put your expensive synth in front of them in fear of damage? The Blipblox is an easy to use and robust sounding synth that has been approved for use for children over the age of three.
Blipblox is packed with over 300 preprogrammed melodies to feed the synth, allowing kids to learn how to sculpt, create and have fun with synthesis without having to know music theory. There’s 12 unique oscillator modulation schemes, two LFOs, a low pass filter and an envelope generator, providing actual synth parameters for kids as young as three.
There’s two offerings in their line of products, the original Blipblox and the Blipblox After Dark. Blipblox After Dark actually shows the names of the parameters and has a few extra features including the ability to update the software, allowing for more functionality from the unit.
Possibly the best part about getting one of these for your kids is that you can set it up in your studio when they’ve gone to sleep. The MIDI in allows you to sequence your own melodies and utilise the interesting synthesiser and its fun bells and whistles to create professional music with a “kids” synth. Neat huh?
Check out this video below introducing the product.
For more information head to Blipblox and for local enquiries, hit up Koala Audio.