Show & Tell: Loose End

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Show & Tell: Loose End

What piece of equipment do you have to show us today?

Today I have my amplifier of sound, my Laney IronHeart IRT60H.


How did you come across this particular item?

Back maybe eight years ago I actually found out about the 15W studio version of this amp from a friend. I was in a punk band and I was looking for a heavy rock sound with nice cleans that was simple to use and easy to carry around. Being that this was a rack mountable amp, it came with a shoulder strap bag so it made gigging easy! Unfortunately, I found that 15 watts isn’t very powerful when playing live, so eventually I upgraded to its big brother and haven’t turned back.  


What is it that you like about it so much?

I love that it’s quite diverse, I can get some great rock sounds out of it but it also really pulls through when playing heavier tunes and it’s simple to use. Everyone is going digital nowadays and the idea has certainly played on my mind – there’s an incredible amount of sounds and styles you can produce. But as tiring as it is hauling a tube amp around, I don’t think you can get the same raw sound and feel that you can with the real thing and I’m content with that (also, it glows red and looks pretty AF onstage!).


How do you use it and how has it shaped the way you write music?

I think I noticed quite a change in how I was able to write music when I finally had an amp that I loved the sound of, I went through quite a few amps when I was trying to figure out my sound in my teens and I think when you really start to enjoy the sound you’re making it helps the writing process. I could never get that sweet blend of clean rock tones to “heavy enough for a breakdown” and I think I have that now.


Tell us a little about what you have coming up?

We recently just released a new single called ‘Discontent’ which is of course available on all platforms to put in your ears. We’ve also been working on new music that we can’t wait to further fill your ears with sometime this year.



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