What piece of equipment do you have to show us today?
My 1965 Airline BigHorn Guitar.
How did you come across this particular item?
I was in San Francisco and found it in a guitar store for $500.
What is it that you like so much about it?
I originally loved its green colour and strange shape. It was so striking. I’ve always liked weird guitars that aren’t your run of the mill brand or shape. Once I plugged it into an amp and started playing it, it sounded so amazing; I knew I had to buy it.
How do you use it, and how has it shaped the way that you write music?
I remember as soon as I bought it I began writing a song straight away with it in San Francisco. That song is called ‘Crystal Eyes’ and is actually going to be on Green Buzzard’s next release. I find whenever I buy a new guitar it inspires me right away to start writing something new on it.
Tell us a little about what you’ve got coming up.
We’ve just started a tour this week doing some shows around Australia, which is coinciding with the release of our first EP, then recording and another Australia tour with our mates DMA’s.
To keep up-to-date with the latest from Green Buzzard, visit greenbuzzard.com.