Enclosed in a sleek, black housing, it remains to be seen how the Zont actually sounds. However, we do know that it uses a cartridge system for switching between lead, bass, rhythm and noise presets. The basic cartridge selection will supposedly be expanded, with new voices and synths to be created with producers and DJs, so if you absolutely need every new cartridge released, this device could end up falling through the hole in your pocket. The website shows a patch named ‘White by Jamie XX’ on the screen of the Zont, but there is no more information about that collaboration.
As well as the WiFi, Bluetooth and USB connectivity, the synth hardware features RCA, MIDI and 3.5mm jack outputs, as well as LED-backlit buttons, stereo speakers and an AMOLED display. Another clever addition is the ability to link the Zont to your smartphone app for extra control over the machine.
The company’s website says that Zont will be available from Fall 2017, which means that we wont see it for another year and a bit. Hopefully in that time we at least get some demos of how it sounds…
For more information, visit: zontsound.com