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Kapur is a wood that is twice as dense at Mahogany with unique prop­er­ties. With the idea orig­i­nat­ing from the Pearl lim­ited edi­tion Kapur snare drum, the guys at Aus­tralasian Music Sup­plies have designed this kit in these specs for the Aus­tralian mar­ket only. That makes is a bit of a col­lec­table. The kit itself fea­tures com­pletely cus­tom sizes, fit­tings, bear­ing edges and colours. The bass drum is prob­a­bly the ini­tial stand out with its more tra­di­tional depth. It looks great too. The drums also fea­ture Vision lugs, bass drum spurs from the Mas­ters Series kits, full colour on the bass drum hoops and a slick lim­ited edi­tion Pearl badge. You get a Pearl Iso-Mount so you have the choice to mount the rack tom off a stand or just use a snare stand and do the vin­tage vibe. Also, and most impor­tantly for the deliv­ery of sound, the Kapur has Task Spe­cific bear­ing edges.


Great! The kit I tried had some Remo Vin­tage Emper­ors on it and they sounded the biz. The first thing you notice is the kick drum. The shorter depth gives you real punch and a shorter sound but it’s still big. I had noth­ing in the bass drum and it was usable and full. Very con­trol­lable. The toms speak beau­ti­fully, with min­i­mal over­tones accom­pa­nied by a very focused and true sound, with real cut and pro­jec­tion. The tone is very favourable and instantly musi­cal. Over­all, the Kapur tim­ber gives dry­ness to the sound and com­bined with those rounded bear­ing edges, reminds you of some­thing more vin­tage rather than mod­ern. This makes it super groovy and cool. The sen­si­tive snare drum cuts can be tuned up or down – in fact I liked it a lit­tle lower to get it fat­ter – and suits the feel of the kit as a whole.

The Pearl Kapur is a no non­sense affair. It’s not pre­tend­ing to be a Mas­ters kit, nor does it have to. It retails at $1499, which I think is a steal given the sound it can offer over other mid range kits. The sizes make it cooler too. I think it’s a cracker of a drum kit. Pity there’s only 18 of each colour being made. Get on it quick!
