Teenage Engineering Release the OP-Z Multimedia Synth and Sequencer

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Teenage Engineering Release the OP-Z Multimedia Synth and Sequencer

The Swedish manufacturing company regarded highly for its electronics and synthesisers has claimed the reason for the delay was a significant re-working and revisions to make sure that the OP-Z will fully realise its potential. But now it’s here, and looks to pack one hell of a punch. Billed as a standalone 16-track sequencer, the OP-Z does more than purely audio – it is designed to enable complete control on the fly of visuals and lights from the same battery powered controller, alongside sampling beats and creating sounds and sequences with the onboard synth engine. 


It lacks a display, but the idea is to connect it to anything running a companion app to use that instead, making it even more portable. It can control up to 16 lights via a DMX cable, and there’s also a photomatic feature that enables you to instantly sequence photos taken on your phone through the visualiser. With so much content packed into such a small device, anyone clever enough to utilise it to its full potential will be a creative force to be reckoned with – but even only using one part of its functionality will mean that you have a very quality platform from which to do so.



For more details on the range of Teenage Engineering products, head to innovativemusic.com.au.