The band’s first record is slated for release by UNFD on Friday October 25, and follows on the buzz from last year’s EP Butterly and recent single ‘Coven’. Since cutting their teeth supporting the likes of Northlane, Architects and Parkway Drive on the road, The Dark Pool looks like it’ll be a huge release for the local boys, and it’s safe to say it’s a heavily anticipated record within the metal community.
In a statement released today, Thornhill lead vocalist Jacob Charlton discussed what the band wanted to achieve with their debut record, saying that “We wanted it to have enough difference that people would be surprised, and it would also allow us to keep branching out down the track. We wanted to sprinkle enough in The Dark Pool that we could continue to build on, we never want to pigeon hole ourselves into a genre, that was never the point of Thornhill. We just want to be exactly who we want to be every single time.”
Thornhill have also debuted a brand new single and music video ‘Nurture’ to accompany the news of the album’s release – check it out above.
The Dark Pool, Thornhill’s debut record, arrives courtesy of UNFD on Friday October 25. Preorder the record here.