Reincarnating this formation of Swans, The Glowing Man has been marked as the last album release for the guys, followed by an extensive tour. Although dates have only been opened for North America and Europe, there’s always a chance the guys will head down under.
After four albums with this configuration, several live shows, various fundraiser projects and endless rehearsals, Michael Gira has provided an official statement of appreciation and gratitude to his fellow band members, their talent and their input into what it is to be a part of Swans.
“I hereby thank my brothers and collaborators for their commitment to whatever truth lies at the center of the sound. I’m decidedly not a Deist, but on a few occasions – particularly in live performance – it’s been my privilege, through our collective efforts, to just barely grasp something of the infinite in the sound and experience generated by a force that is definitely greater than all of us combined. When talking with audience members after the shows or through later correspondence, it’s also been a true privilege to discover they’ve experienced something like this too. Whatever the force is that has led us through this extended excursion, it’s been worthwhile for many of us, and I’m grateful for what has been the most consistently challenging and fulfilling period of my musical life.”
The Glowing Man was recorded alongside John Congleton at Sonic Ranch, near El Paso, Texas. Further recording was completed at John’s Elmwood Studio, Studio Litho (Seattle, WA) with Don Gunn and at CandyBomber (Berlin) with Ingo Krauss.
‘The Glowing Man’ is out June 17 via Mute and Create/Control. For more information, head here.