Speaking to the publication ahead of the release of his debut solo album Black Labyrinth, Davis reflects on the influence Jesus Christ Superstar had on him and how it inspired his love for theatre.
“I would love to write a musical,” said Davis. “A long time ago, I was talking to [English writer, director and artist] Clive Barker about doing a dark, fucked-up musical, but people get busy and it didn’t happen. It’s definitely on my bucket list to do a really dark, metal musical – not some stupid-ass one.”
While it looks like Davis will be kept busy over the next few months between his solo album and getting back into the studio with Korn, we’re hoping he’ll find the time to bring this musical to life. If the nu-metal legend’s music is anything to go by, it’s bound to be more than just your ordinary stage show.
We caught up with Korn guitarist Brian “Head” Welch to find out what it’s like to be a heavy metal legacy.