Crowd Funding Campaign Seeks To Erect Statue of Molly Meldrum

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Crowd Funding Campaign Seeks To Erect Statue of Molly Meldrum

In a statement on the Australian Cultural Fund website, the Yarra City Council highlights Meldrum’s significant contribution to the cultivation and promotion of a diverse Australian musical cultures, as well as his longstanding passion for the arts, sports and Egyptology.


“A world renowned music journalist and TV presenter, Ian ‘Molly’ Meldrum has lived in Richmond for decades; his house is often a public display of his interest in Egyptology and sport,” the statement reads. “It is proposed that the ‘life-sized’ statue of Molly will be included in Yarra Council’s Arts and Heritage Collection.”


Set to be sculpted by Louis Laumen, who has worked on sculputres such as Blessed Mary MacKillop, Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop and a suite of 10 statues for the MCG, the statue will be located at Wangaratta Reserve in Richmond, conveniently close to prominant music venue the Corner Hotel. A painted mural is also planned at the site, with hopes to have it established before Meldrum’s 75th birthday on Monday January 29, 2018.



Currently, the campaign has successfully raised 79% of the required $110,000 – you can check it out here. For more on Molly Meldrum see our Top 10 Moments of Countdown.