Titled Creation Stories, the film will be directed by Nick Moran and executive produced by Trainspotting director Danny Boyle, while Trainspotting author Irvine Welsh and Dean Cavanagh have signed on as screenwriters. The biopic will be based on the memoir of Creation Records founder Alan McGee, who will be played in the movie by Ewen Bremner, the phenomenal actor responsible for bringing Spud to life in Trainspotting and its 2017 sequel. Suki Waterhouse, Rupert Everett and Jason Fleming will also appear in the movie.
Founded in 1983, Creation Records is renowned as being one of the most influential independent labels of the ’80s and ’90s before shutting down in 1999. As well as being the label responsible for signing Britpop behemoths Oasis, Creation Records were a pivotal force in the progression of shoegaze, releasing genre-defining records from the likes of The Jesus and Mary Chain, Slowdive and My Bloody Valentine – the latter of whom almost sent Creation bankrupt after blowing over $200,000 to record 1992’s Loveless. Creation Records also released records from acts such as Ride, Guided By Voices, The Cramps and Primal Scream.
Given the reputation of all parties involved with this project, as well as the undisputable reputation held by Alan McGee and Creation Records within the British indie sphere, we simply cannot wait to see what Boyle and co. deliver with this one. Stay tuned to Mixdown for further updates on when to expect Creation Stories to hit cinemas.
Revisit our Gear Rundown with Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine here.