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Some­thing that I seem to find with all Seag­ull gui­tars, and the S6 Sun­burst GTis no excep­tion, is how they have a real ‘hand-made’ feel to them. You can feel the grain of the tim­ber and cre­ate a bond with the instru­ment that goes far beyond any­thing that a fancy inlay or bold logo can deliver. When I got the S6 GT out of the box it felt like it wanted to be played. The semi-gloss neck, back and sides have a smooth feel mak­ing this gui­tar a joy to play. The neck is one that is going to appeal to a range of play­ers, includ­ing those that tend to play elec­tric gui­tar more often. It’s slim­mer pro­file feels great in the hand, yet it still has some good body to it.


It’s not impor­tant, I know, but a good look­ing gui­tar always seems to play bet­ter some­how. If you like the clas­sic look and feel, then the S6 GT is going to appeal to you. The inlays are sim­ple and under­stated while the teardrop vin­tage sun­burst spray has a clas­sic vibe about it. Add that glossy top for a real shim­mer and bril­liance and it stands bold and proud. The gloss with the solid spruce top ensures that the instru­ment has a nice bright attack to the notes, yet the body allows for a really warm, rich tone at the same time. Matched up with Cleartone strings that have their own sparkle and longevity, this becomes a gui­tar that sounds great right out of the box and will con­tinue to do so for many years to come.

You won’t find Seag­ull gui­tars in every shop around the coun­try, and there is some­thing a lit­tle spe­cial about that. They are well worth keep­ing an eye out for. Find a dealer local to you and try one out. This is a gui­tar that you will cher­ish for life and one that would make a bold addi­tion to any gui­tar collection.