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It’s the ‘mesh’ that should grab your atten­tion. The DM10 already made some head­way when it was intro­duced a lit­tle while back but now you get a lot of kit all cov­ered in mesh heads – some­thing usu­ally reserved for a higher priced kit. Let me share with you the kitty that comes with a DM10 X. TheDM10 X Mesh comes as stan­dard as a 6-piece set up with a 12” snare, two 10” rack toms and two 12” floor toms. You also get a mesh kick pad, which is great, com­pared to the usual rub­ber affair usu­ally seen on some kits. You also get a 4-piece cym­bal set up with a 12” Hi-Hat, two 14” Crashes and a 16” Ride, so the sizes are sub­stan­tial and not too small, so far so good. The heads them­selves fea­ture 4 points of sen­si­tiv­ity and are tune­able to achieve a desired feel or response from the stick.
The whole thing comes on a 4-post X-rack with boom cym­bal arms and hinged clamps, not once did I ques­tion the stur­di­ness of the rack or hard­ware. The DM10 mod­ule is a pretty cool thing too. You get an amaz­ing 12 trig­ger inputs that accept third party pads and trig­gers with the abil­ity to add another 10 inputs on a sep­a­rate module!


There’s also a basic mixer for quick vol­ume adjust­ments and over 1000 uncom­pressed sam­ples that fea­ture Dynamic Artic­u­la­tion – an Ale­sis excu­sive, where each sound is actu­ally made up of mul­ti­ple sam­ples at var­i­ous lev­els and artic­u­la­tions. This means that as you play harder or softer, the drum or cym­bal actu­ally changes its tim­bre or qual­ity of sound and not just the vol­ume or veloc­ity. You can also input sounds directly via USB from your com­puter, play along with tracks built in on the unit or via iPod and aux input with or with­out metronome. There are two stereo pairs of 1/4” out­puts to send sep­a­rate mixes to FOH or a mon­i­tor, head­phone out with sep­a­rate vol­ume con­trol and you get sequenc­ing capa­bil­i­ties plus effects such as reverb and sen­si­tiv­ity settings.


The plen­ti­ful built in kits and sounds are real­is­tic and so is the feel from the new mesh heads. I always felt the sen­si­tiv­ity was there, even when I played more intri­cately or with faster ghost notes for exam­ple. The mesh kick pad really enhances the expe­ri­ence and I was really dig­ging the fact that I had a full 6-piece kit with a sec­ond crash. This is a great kit for the coin. You actu­ally get a lot for your money. Ale­sis have done a very good job with thisDM10 MESH elim­i­nat­ing the neg­a­tive stigma that some­times comes with not pur­chas­ing from some of the more well known elec­tric drum man­u­fac­tures. It’s another option in the price bracket and it’s one worth considering.

